Tie For the Crown Finals Goat Tying

Mersadie Martin beat out 45 goat tyers in Fort Worth to win the $6,000 added Tie for the Crown title in Fort Worth during Hooey Junior Patriot week.  

It was a hard-fought win for Martin, who faced off with the notoriously fast goat tyers of all ages from across the country.  

“This is definitely the biggest week in goat tying all year,” Martin said. “I look forward to it every year. This is where you can win the most money, hands down. I almost cleared $10,000 here last year just in the goat tying.”  

Round 1 started off with 12-year-old Alli Autry tying a 6.19 for the win, worth $1,120. Martin found herself outside of the top four. In the second round, the elder Autry sister, 15-year-old Acey went 6.14 to earn the $1,120 win, while Martin found herself in second  with a 6.18, worth $840. The short round fast time went to Mayce Merek for her 6.4, worth $700.  

In her short round showing, Martin tied the second-fastest time of the round to solidify her aggregate time of 19.69 seconds on three head and earn the $2,310 win, bringing her TFTC earnings to $3,150. Merek earned the reserve win in 19.92 seconds, banking another $1,925.