A team roper can only qualify 2 times total in each Open and 10.5 division. For Example: 2 heading, 2 heeling, or 1 heading and 1 heeling. Team ropers will be allowed to switch ends to meet their 2 total times to qualify but must stay in the division they qualified. If a team has qualified in the 10.5 and gets split because of a number change or partner not attending, they can move the TEAM to the open team roping division, OR they can split and stay in the 10.5 with a new partner. The 10.5 is capped at a 6.5 heeler. No team can split and move divisions they didn’t qualify for. If a team splits based on partner number change or partner not attending and the roper chooses his/her partner for Ft. Worth semifinals and/or Las Vegas semifinals, the partner chosen has to have entered a qualifying Patriot side pot during the current qualifying season. If a partner is chosen and hasn’t earned a qualification position, the fee for the chosen partner is $750.00. If the partner has an earned qualification, the fees will be the qualification fee.